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Help Your Employees Maximize Healthcare and Other Benefits for End-of-Year
Help Your Employees Maximize Healthcare and Other Benefits for End-of-Year

The end of the year is a critical time to ensure employees take advantage of all their employer's benefits.

Cam Garriepy avatar
Written by Cam Garriepy
Updated over a week ago

As the end of the year approaches, it is important to focus on helping employees maximize their healthcare and other benefits. The end of the year is a critical time to ensure that employees take advantage of all their employer's benefits, as many benefits have deadlines or annual limits.

Here are some tips for helping employees maximize their benefits:

  • Communicate with employees about their benefits. Many employees need help understanding the benefits you offer. You can help by providing employees with clear and concise information about their benefits, including deadlines and annual limits, via email, company intranet, or employee town hall meetings.

  • Offer educational workshops on benefits. Another way to help employees understand their benefits is to offer educational workshops. These workshops can cover various topics, such as choosing the right health insurance plan, using flexible spending accounts, and filing for benefits.

  • Provide employees with tools and resources to help them manage their benefits. You can also help employees manage benefits by providing tools and resources like online benefit portals and mobile apps. These tools allow employees to view their benefits information, change their coverage, and file claims.

  • Encourage employees to review their benefits during open enrollment. Open enrollment is the time of year when employees can make changes to their health insurance coverage for the following year. You can encourage employees to review their benefits during open enrollment to ensure they choose the right plan for their needs.

  • Remind employees about deadlines for benefits. Many benefits have deadlines, such as deadlines for enrolling in flexible spending accounts or deadlines for filing claims. You can help employees maximize their benefits by reminding them about these deadlines.

  • Assist employees with filing claims. Filing a claim can be complex, and many employees need assistance. You can assist employees with filing claims by providing them with resources and answering their questions.

What steps can employees take to maximize their benefits:

  • Review their benefits plan. Employees should review their benefits plan to understand their benefits, including deadlines and annual limits.

  • Choose the right health insurance plan. Employees should choose the right health insurance plan for their needs and budget. They should also consider the needs of their dependents when selecting a plan.

  • Enroll in a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA). FSAs and HSAs allow employees to save money on healthcare expenses. Employees should consider enrolling in an FSA or HSA if they are eligible.

  • File claims promptly. Employees should file claims for healthcare expenses promptly. Many benefits have deadlines for filing claims.

  • Take advantage of preventive care benefits. Many benefits plans cover preventative care services, such as annual checkups and flu shots. Employees should take advantage of these services to stay healthy and save money on healthcare costs.

By following these tips and offering support, you can help their employees maximize their healthcare and other benefits for the end of the year, assisting employees in saving money on healthcare costs and improving their overall health and well-being. Interested in learning more? Click here to schedule a 15 minute chat now to discuss how SelectSmart might work for you. Or simply call us at 781-583-7017 or email us at

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